Customer Testimonials


Well, I've had your Excalibur interconnects in my system for 3 days now and I can definitely say they are a better match for my system along with your Golden Helix speaker wire. I am now very aware of the recording quality of each of my CD's. Before with MIT and/or AudioQuest, it was not as evident. On a good recording I am flabbergasted at how hard my little Triangle Titus' hit. There is much more separation between instruments and voices are extremely natural and placed solidly in the soundstage.

Thank you for building your wires, I love them. - John Martin

I received your Excalibur interconnects and I installed them as you instructed. They are unusual looking and probably not the prettiest interconnects around. I turned the system on and I was immediately amazed. The cables are so efficient that I had to turn the volume down a full 10 DB. However, the most amazing thing is the effect on the sound. The soundstage increased substantially, the treble and midrange became extremely defined and the bass was tighter and more pronounced. I had to readjust the entire system and the sound is incredible. I have tried several well known interconnects, but none have come near the level of the Excaliburs. It is like a blanket has been removed from the speakers and they can now perform to their true potential. Thanks for making such an outstanding product available and also for having the initiative and foresight to think outside the box and come up with a clearly superior design. Your statements on their performance are not only accurate, but in my case, they exceeded my highest expectations. - Jim Rea